Macroom History Group
- Dan Cronin’s Memorabilia and other Local History Items.
- Macroom Golf Club 1925 – 2025Speakers: Dr. Con Kelleher, Margaret Buckley and Jim Morris.
- Climate Change – History & Future.Speaker: Prof. Hannah Daly (UCC)
- Rita Lynch, Macroom’s Golden-Voiced Soprano.Speaker: Mary Shaw Davies.
- East Central Europe’s ‘Freedom’ Threatened – Concept and HistorySpeaker: Dr. Bozena Cierlik, UCC.
- The O’Leary’s and Other MattersSpeaker: Mr. Joe Creedon
- Classical Architecture & the Macroom ShopfrontSpeaker: James O’Callaghan
- Macroom AnglersSpeaker: Denis Cronin
- Declan O’RourkeInterview with Michael Kelleher on the Launch of Declan’s new book. Intro by Con Kelleher.
- St. GobnaitSpeaker: Mr Con Lynch
- Prof. John A. Murphy, Macrompian, Historian, Senator, Journalist, Commentator.Speaker: Prof Emeritus Tom Dunne, U.C.C.
- Civil War in MacroomSpeaker: Michael Galvin, Sept 2023
- T. C. Murray, Macroom’s Abbey Theatre PlaywrightSpeaker: Jim Cooney 9th of October, 2023
- West Cork Railways, Birth, Beauty and BetrayalOn the 13th February, Chris Larkin entertained a large crowd with an excellent talk based on his book “West Cork Railways, Birth, Beauty and Betrayal”Chris’s wonderful publication provides a unique visual and historical record of the West Cork railways as he warmly remembers the lifetime of the rail system in a travelogue which allows readers… Read more: West Cork Railways, Birth, Beauty and Betrayal
- Macroom’s Great War Dead RememberedOn Monday the 9th of January, Macroom History Group held a presentation by Pat Sheehy in the Castle Hotel, Macroom. In his presentation, Pat spoke of the lives and deaths of many of the men from Macroom who gave their lives in what was dubbed “the war to end all wars”. The night was ended… Read more: Macroom’s Great War Dead Remembered
- Pantomime in Macroom & District; 1959-1999On the 8th of December Macroom History Group held our Christmas themed presentation “Pantomime in Macroom & District; 1959-1999” by Dr. Con Kelleher. On a bitterly cold night, a brave crowd arrived to listen to the history of pantomime, as well as a deep dive into local pantos, their casts and producers. With a raffle… Read more: Pantomime in Macroom & District; 1959-1999
- Massytown, a Story of People & PlaceOn Monday the 14th of November, Macroom History Group held a talk on the history of Massytown in the Castle Hotel. There was a large attendance and one audience member managed to record the presentation by Marcella Ní Chríodáin and we have uploaded it below.
- An Garda Síochána in Macroom & West Cork
The Early YearsOn the 10th of October, Garda Tom Daly presented a highly anticipated talk to the group and a room full of listeners. Tom dove deep into the Gardí and their formation in a information and honest manner. Reviews of the night were highly appreciative of the information he delivered. There was also a large collection… Read more: An Garda Síochána in Macroom & West Cork<br>The Early Years - Kilmichael Ambush
The Story of a CenturyOn the 12th of September Colum Cronin presented his talk on the Kilmichael Ambush to a packed room. Colum is a member of the Coppeen Archaeological, Historical & Cultural Society and in the absence of a public Centenary Commemoration for the Kilmichael Ambush, due to Covid-19 restrictions, he and the Society produced a commemorative film… Read more: Kilmichael Ambush<br>The Story of a Century - Field Trip to Beál na BláIn its first field trip, Macroom History Group visited Béal na Blath and other locations associated with Michael Collins’s shooting there almost 100 yearsago. The erudite Michael Galvin was the guide and he attracted a good crowd of twenty, with others popping in and out at various stages.The tour traced part of the route traveled… Read more: Field Trip to Beál na Blá
- Inaugural MeetingOn the 9th of May, 2022, Macroom History Group held it’s inaugural meeting.At the meeting a short presentation was given on the Kilgobnet Massacre, by member Con Kelleher. The fascinating presentation on local history is available to read below. (Powerpoint presentation should be viewed on a computer and with Wifi for best experience)